Gravedigger (Long Strand 49″)


The Gravedigger

We think we’ll see them again. We anticipate each release and look forward to the next tour, the next album, the next collection of written word; pose, poetry, lyrics. We’ll hear him growl again soon. We lost Mark Lanegan during a particularly sorrowful moment in time, personally – it hit hard. I can’t think of an artist in my lifetime that was so prolific and relevant in that particular moment of my life. (Yes, Bowie and Prince – of course – huge influence – huge relevance, but not with any contemporary releases. Mark Lanegan was in his prime. His low dooming growl seemed to have found its place – and he was sure to be our most prolific singer songwriter – along the lines of Tom Waits or Leonard Cohen. What a sad, significant loss. We will be working a series dedicated specifically to the lexicon of Mark Lanegan, to allow his inspiration to work through us. This is the series: Gray Goes Black.


Available on backorder


Stones, Beads, Intentions and more…. Grounded with black tourmaline and black onyx, blood cleansing hematite, flashy blue, black, and gray hematite and bits of smokey quartz. Extravagant Length: 60″

Additional information

Dimensions 49 in