Walpurgisnacht 2021 (Long Strand 40″) OUT OF STOCK

Walpurgisnacht, April 30-May 1, 2021

Christians have been setting bonfires for centuries to celebrate Saint Walpurgis and to ward off witches, evil spirits, and plagues like rabies. As with most Christian celebrations, this day belonged to pagans for much longer as the celebration of Beltane (May Day) and also happens make the halfway point of the year until Halloween, when the veil between the world of the living and the dead is said to be its most thin. It is a fertility festival with celebratory crowns of brightly colored  garland, Maypole dancing, feasting, drinking, pranks and general revelry throughout most of Europe.

It’s official, summer has started!

Stones, Beads, Intentions and More:

Polished and matte black tourmaline, onyx and obsidian envelope bits of shiny healing tourmalinated and crystal clear quartz, including a vintage clear quartz etched scarab that has been hand set into a connector as a focal piece. A beautiful balance of light and dark for you to wear with strength, power and confidence.

Length: Approximately 40"

Additional information

Dimensions 40 in