The New Blakque; Long Strand OUT OF STOCK

Pink like bubblegum, pink like the candy melting on your tongue, maybe. Pink like Valentine’s hearts. Little pink flowers, jet and onyx beads repurposed from vintage necklaces and estate sales. Faceted, gassed baby pink and rose crystals. Various shapes and sizes, calming to the touch and cool between your fingers like… Finished with a rose quartz scarab from a vintage bracelet. Wear all one length at 45” or wrap around your pink throat as many times as you can. Listen to the song “PYNK” by Janelle Monae and love your pink bits….baby.

Stones, Beads, Intentions and More:

Black; thick, round, smooth, faceted beads of onyx (banish the sadness), jet (grounding, probably vintage), and possibly obsidian (to help with the banishing) black tourmaline (healing, optimism, stress-aid) interspersed with gassed faceted pink beads that appear purple, blue and orange depending on the light in which they are held. Several unique pink glass pieces demand your attention. Break and banish your negative patterns, surround yourself in positive loving light. (Scrying stone for display purposes only, not for sale.)