Ghosted: Lemures; Long Strand


Ancient Romans were frightened of the restless spirits of the dead. These spirits were often believed to be of un-buried dead. They would dwell in homes and would need to be exorcised though household rituals. This gorgeous strand is inspired by the artwork of @michael_hussar with bloody red garnets and crystals gathered like bloody gashes among the cool, pale moonstone, white jade and selenite cat’s eye beads. His work oozes with a grotesque royalty, opulent golden crowns adorned with pearls and red ruby chunks rest atop the heads of ghostly white creatures. Approximately 40″ long, completed by a golden topaz etched scarab in a hand tarnished connector setting, we also have a Chok(h)er called Jezebel and a sweet little bracelet to make a compelling set.


Available on backorder

Stones, Beads, Intentions and More:

Each strand in the Ghosted Series unique and can contain the following: Rose Quartz, tourmilinated quartz, Moonstone, White Jade, Labradorite, Onyx, Jet, Tourmaline, Opal, Grey Hematite, Gold Plated Hematite, Cat’s Eye, Swarovski Crystals and Czech Glass. Depending on the specific stones included, each strand offers protection, strength, confidence, clarity, draws in love, repels negativity, cleanses toxic energies found in many forms. (pain, surroundings, ... *people*)